February 10, 2023
Dear member, our 46th Annual General meeting will be held on 25th February 2023 virtually from 8:30am to 12.00 noon. Online registration will be done from 21st to 23rd February 2023. The proposed agenda for the day will be: 1 .To read the notice convening the meeting. 2. To confirm the minutes of the 45th […]

February 10, 2023
Plough Back Your Rebates & Dividends
Benefits of reinvesting your Rebates & Dividends 1 . Compounding effect in action – Due to the automatic reinvestment of cash dividends & rebates, this helps investors achieve compounding returns in the future. Reinvestment leads to compounding, which grows the investment faster. For example, consider an investor that receives a cash dividend & rebates and reinvests […]

February 8, 2023
2022 Dividends Slip Is Ready!
Follow the steps below to download your dividends slip through your member portal account.: 1. Login to your portal account 2. Open reports page -> Dividends Slip 3. Click Run report